Principal's Message


On behalf of the staff of Kaweah High School, welcome to the Kaweah family!


The goal of Kaweah High School is to provide additional educational options and resources to help students succeed academically, and represent a person of character. What makes us different is our approach to people and learning.


Traditional high schools focus on the “what” students need to do to achieve academic success. For example, “if you want to be a good student…do these things”, “if you want to go to college...this is what you need to do”. This system is based on extrinsic motivation. Meaning, learning is based on external values of receiving an award or avoiding punishment.


Kaweah High School focuses on intrinsic values. Meaning, learning is based on expanding personal standards and beliefs rather than responding to external rewards or punishment. We acknowledge the responsibility of the “what” in education but we focus more on the “why?” Why do we choose to do certain things, and why is it important? The “why?” is our motivation for doing the “what”. We help students answer these questions by focusing on the growth of the individual, as we feel it is directly correlated to personal happiness, academic advancement, and a sustainable, life-goal achievement.


Our staff is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment. Every student takes our psychology/mindfulness/advisory course to help accelerate the “why?” All students have access to rigorous, A-G approved courses, including, Advanced Placement options. Paxton/Patterson career exploration labs, with 9 career options, helps students discover occupation choices. We offer co-ed athletics and, built-in, credit acceleration. All this with class sizes under 15 students, additional counseling options, and a truly genuine, caring, staff. Our support systems are designed to assist our students in making informed life decisions in maximizing their personal success stories.


In the Kaweah family, we work together to help provide support for student learning. Parents/Guardians, we need you to be just as active in your student’s education as we are. Since most of your student’s day is spent at school, we want you to be involved! We invite you to visit often and encourage you to become a part of our school community by volunteering for the School Site Council (SSC), the District Advisory Committee (DAC) and/or, volunteer to help in the classroom or to help with activities.  If you are interested in becoming involved, you may pick up volunteer forms and live scan forms at the Exeter Unified School District Office located at 215 N. Crespi Avenue in Exeter.  You may also contact our office at (559)592-4420 for additional information.


We look forward to the upcoming school year. If we can be of any assistance to your student, please do not hesitate to give us a call, come see us, or send us an e-mail. Make sure you visit our school website to receive up-to-date information, schedule and contacts:



Wegner School Photo

Christine Wilson


Kaweah High School